Saturday, October 9, 2010

Amedei Porcelana - Cioccolato Fondente Extra 70% by Serizawakatsuki

Yup! This beauty was so hard to define and hard to resist, great chocolate!
Review dulu ah.

Gw suka desain bungkusnya, eye catching banget, warna-warni, cuma kelemahannya jd ga keliatan elegan dan mewah seperti Valrhona. Lalu bungkus dalamnya seperti paperback dg lapisan foil di dalamnya, gw suka ni bungkus karena mudah dibuka (hasilnya jd rapi tanpa robek sedikitpun, beda dg bungkus foil yg lain)

Ingredient: cocoa mass, cane sugar, cocoa butter and vanilla. Looks like it doesn't have any emulsifier.

Light reddish brown with high shine and smooth texture, it's a real Criollo for sure. Quick and light 'snap', almost without any crumble.

The aromas was rubber or leather perhaps, slight spice and smoke,and very earthy chocolate aroma. Need a longer time than Valrhona's to melt it cocoa butter when I rub it.

It has cool sensation when I savor it in my mouth, maybe because of the cocoa butter (I've read before, that cocoa butter has cool and fresh sensation, CMIIW).
Feel so smooth and not sticky or waxy when I chewed it.
Melted so pleasantly and easily in my mouth, gradually disappear when it melted, leaving me want more and more to savor, really like ganache, so creamy....

For the flavor, it's very challenging for me. At first, I taste some acidic, looks like red fruit hint. When I chewed it, roasted coffee and nutty came out instantly, more intense. It finished like the coffee bean flavor that I've chewed before.
But, I don't think it has so simple flavor like this, maybe my palate need some upgrade again with more tasting, because there are others flavor that I can't define yet.

Overall, with fairly expensive price, I think it's worthed. Absolutely I'll buy this chocolate again if there is a chance. I like the package, love the ganache texture so much, that make me wanna more and more. Love the intense yet complex flavor too.

I give it 5 out of 5, it was great chocolate that i can't resisted it. Excellent!

NB: Sekali lagi, thanks to Susilawati, yg uda mencari dg susah payah pesanan gw waktu ke Eropa, maaf ni ga sisa sedikitpun, susah nahannya hahaha.

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